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FI2024 Discovering the Buddha Within 2 - AWAKENED HEART

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only Add to Wishlist

About This Course

Discovering the Buddha Within is an experiential learning program of the Buddha Dharma created as part of the vast vision of Guru Vajradhara His Holiness the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa.
The purpose of this curriculum is to explain the essence of the Buddha's teachings in a simple and detailed way. This three-year course follows the Buddha’s teachings on the three wheels of the Dharma, and continues with the sacred transmission of the four tantras that correspond to the three gradual levels of recognition of the ultimate nature of mind and phenomena.
Through meditations on loving kindness, compassion, joy, equanimity and so forth, students will learn to awaken their hearts and discover their innate goodness, further enriching the calm state of mind and deepening their meditation through recognition of emptiness, which is the essence of the Mahayana.

What is learned at Level 2
1. Discover our inner goodness
* By discovering and cultivating love, compassion, appreciation or joy, and equanimity.
* By developing our potential through six perfect states of mind, the six paramitas.
* By training our mind to transform defilements into love and compassion.

2. Widen our motivation and outlook and gain deeper insight
* By learning about and meditating on bodhicitta, the awakening mind.
* By gaining an advanced insight that understands selflessness through direct experience.


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His Eminence Gyalton Rinpoche

The previous Gyalton Rinpoche, Orgyen Jigma Chokyi Senge Gyalton Rinpoche (1908-1970), was the spiritual head of Chungpo monastery in Eastern Tibet. He was one of the principal students of the 11th Tai Situpa, and of Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro. While in Tsurphu Monastery, the seat of the Karmapa, the 16th Karmapa bestowed on him the title of Khenchen, meaning Great Learned One, as did Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Choling Rinpoche in recognition of his high attainments and learning. The present, seventh reincarnation, Karma Palden Lungtok Trinley Rangye, was born in Sikkim and identified as Gyalton Tulku in 1983 by the Tai Situpa and shortly after enthroned in the palace temple in Gangtok, Sikkim. Rinpoche speaks fluent English, Hindi and Nepali and is perfectly at home with Western cultural norms.

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Lama Konchog Chhogyal

Venerable Lama Konchog Chögyal is the spiritual director of Palpung Yeshe Gatshal Finland since summer 2017