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Palpung Chokor Ling Ireland

Palpung Chokor Ling is a branch of Palpung Sherabling Monastic Seat India. It is under the direction of HH Chamgon Tai Situ Pa, supreme head of the Palpung Lineage. The Centre is situated in Banteer village, Co Cork.

We have a small Temple, library, dining area for tea and chat, a garden as well as two rooms for folk who wish to engage in personal retreat.

Our primary aim is to preserve the precious Dharma in as pure a form as possible while making it accessible to all those who wish to avail of Buddha's teachings. We offer a variety of activities including meditation and sadhana ie deity practices.

Everyone is welcome to attend whether you consider yourself Buddhist or not, whether you are a seasoned meditator or just beginning. We are fortunate to have regular visits from Ringu Tulku Rinpoche and Lama Rabzang from Palpung Wales.

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Discovering the Buddha Within